Interested in making money with Curator 3D Art Gallery?
It’s really easy. We will pay you a 20% commission on every plugin sale you generate using your referral link.
All you have to do is recommend Curator 3D Art Gallery using your affiliate link on your website, blog, Facebook, Twitter or other social networks.
Curator 3D Art Gallery is the best and most popular WordPress gallery plugin. With customizable floors, walls and ceilings and social sharing options, artists can create beautiful curated gallery spaces to share with their fans, followers, galleries, buyers and collectors.
Curator 3D Art Gallery is fast and offers the best support in the market. In short, this is the best WordPress plugin for showcasing your artwork in a professional looking 3d gallery exhibition space.
Last but not least, you earn 20% of every sale which can be as much as about $29.00 per sale.
Affiliates are our partners, and we want them to make money. Our affiliates are earning thousands per month.
First thing you need to do is join our affiliate program.
Click here to join our affiliate programPayments are made once per month, for the previous month. First, because we offer a strong 14 day no-risk trial on our plugin, we wait a full 30 days to approve and pay commissions. So your January commissions will be paid out first week of March.
Second, you will receive all your commission notifications at once when we approve commissions at the beginning of each month. You can still see how you are doing real-time by logging into the affiliate system and clicking on COMMISSIONS >> PENDING APPROVAL. That page will show a list of all your commissions to date.
Our system sometimes generates duplicate commissions for a single sale. We identify duplicates by looking for the same purchase emails, IP addresses, times, and affiliates, and we delete those duplicates as part of the approval process. We also delete any commissions where the customer has requested a refund.
One other note – our affiliate program is set up to send commission payments at $40. It is a necessary precaution so people don’t set up affiliate accounts just to buy the theme themselves using their affiliate account. As soon as you make a second sale, we start the approval process.